
What are the arrangements for children and youth?

Children are welcome in our meetings for worship. We also provide childcare in the nearby nursery room if children prefer not to sit with us in worship. We hope that parents will not feel that baby noises or children's questions are a reason to leave the worship room. Often children's contributions have inspired other ministry during worship.

If parents come regularly and would prefer to have a more formal religious education program, please talk with the childcare coordinator.

What are your policies regarding safety?

Clear Creek Monthly Meeting (CCMM) seeks to welcome and provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in the life of our meeting. It is our goal to protect the children’s safety while also protecting our volunteers, paid staff, and members of our monthly meeting.

Two Adult Rule

A minimum of two unrelated adult childcare providers will be present at all times when children are being supervised. Doors to classrooms will remain open and within the hearing of other adults. When no meeting childcare is available, a parent will be requested to be present with their child(ren). Doors should never be locked while children are inside a room.

Selection of Volunteers and Childcare Workers

All adults who desire to work with children at CCMM will be screened by the CCMM Childcare Coordinator prior to service. This screening includes:

Adult volunteers will be considered for childcare only if they have been regular attenders or members of CCMM for a minimum of one year.

Paid childcare workers will provide 2 references with their application, at least one of which can attest to childcare experience and one that can speak to the applicant’s character (see CCMM Childcare Worker Job description).

A criminal background check is required of all volunteers and childcare workers supervising children under the age of 18. Prospective volunteers and childcare workers will be asked to sign an authorization form allowing CCMM to run the check. A disqualifying offense will be determined by the CCMM Childcare Coordinator. Convictions for an offense involving children and/or offenses involving violence, indecency, or sexual abuse will preclude someone from being permitted to work with children. The background check authorization form and results will be maintained in confidence in a secure file for 18 years.

Restroom Guidelines

Diapers should be changed only within sight of a second adult. For the protection of all, volunteers and childcare workers should never be alone with a child in a bathroom with the door closed and never be in a closed bathroom stall with a child. After checking to make sure a bathroom is empty, a volunteer or childcare worker should remain outside the bathroom door while the child uses the bathroom. If a child requires assistance, the adult should prop open the bathroom door and leave the stall door open as they assist the child.

Accidental Injuries to Children

Parents are encouraged to advise the childcare worker (or volunteer) of any specific needs for their child at the time of drop off (allergies, accommodations needed, other health needs). Children and adults who are ill are advised to stay home.

For minor injuries, scrapes, and bruises, volunteers/childcare workers will provide first aid (Band-Aids, etc.) as appropriate and will notify the child’s parent or guardian of the injury at the time the child is returned to the parent’s care.

For injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple first aid, the parent will immediately be summoned.

Once the child has received appropriate medical attention, an incident report will be completed in any case of injuries requiring treatment by a medical professional.

Responding to Allegations of Child Abuse

If an incident of abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred at Clear Creek Meeting while a child is being supervised by volunteers or paid staff, the following procedure shall be followed:

The parent or guardian of the child will be notified.

The volunteer or childcare worker alleged to be the perpetrator of the abuse or misconduct will immediately be instructed to remain away from the premises during an investigation. They should be instructed to have no contact with the victim or witnesses.

All allegations of abuse should be reported to Child Protective Services, and CCMM will comply with the state’s requirements regarding mandatory reporting of abuse as the law then exists. The Meeting will fully cooperate with the investigation of the incident by civil authorities.


Clear Creek Friends Meeting will provide training on this Child Safety Policy to all volunteers and childcare workers on an annual basis. This training will include basic infection control techniques.